If you are a new client to Kitchel Law, or you are wondering what happens after you hire a personal injury lawyer, this is what you can expect.
First things first, if you have been in an accident and you are hurt, your priority is to get better!
Our job is to handle all things insurance so you can focus on rest and recovery. The first thing we do is notify all of the insurance carriers that you are represented by counsel. Once they know this, they will stop calling you. This takes the stress of dealing with insurance off of your plate. I'll be handling all of that for you and to make sure everything said on your behalf is in your best interest. Insurance companies are not on your side, and inadvertant communications on your part could hurt your case, so its important to let your attorney handle anything related to insurance.
Phase 2 - Once you are are recovered (or mostly recovered), we start preparing your claim
This is time-consuming phase, but the good news is that we do all of the work for you. To make a demand for payment from the insurance carrier, we need to know all the details of your medical records and treatment. We will collect all your medical records and bills. Unfortunately, this can be a slow and tedious process as medical providers are careful about confidentiality and often outsource the task to third-party companies that are expensive and slow. So, we ask that you to be patient while we gather all your medical records and bills as this may take some time.
Phase 3 - Preparing a settlement demand
A demand is a detailed letter to the insurance company that explains what happened, why their insured is responsible, and what we believe you are entitled to recover. In it, we will describe all of your injuries, the cost of your treatment, and the impact that your injury has had on your life, such as an inability to drive, take care of your children, or time off from work. We will prepare a draft of this letter and then you can expect a phone call from Allyson to discuss a settlement strategy based the unique aspects of your case. In most cases, the insurance company will make an offer to settle the case out of court. The decision on whether to accept a settlement or not belongs to you, as the client. If we cannot reach a full value settlement, we may need to file a lawsuit, but we will keep you informed and work with you every step of the way.
This is what you can expect during the first few months of working with a Personal Injury Attorney.
We will work to help you get you the care you need, deal with the insurance companies, gather all the documents, and attempt to settle your case for a fair value. We will not settle your case for less than full value, but ultimately the decision will be yours on whether to accept a settlement or move forward with a lawsuit if we believe that the insurance company is offering less than your case is worth.
If you have any further questions, please let me know. Feel free to consult a personal injury attorney!